MM: Being Distracted by the Superfun Rabbithole

I did not fulfill my creative priorities last week! Instead I did a lot of errands, had a birthday, and wrote a bunch of Being Samantha Masters, because the damn thing won’t let go of my brain. Speaking of which, if you’d like a rambling recap of both the premise of Being Samantha Masters as well as a synopsis of the novel it’s an homage-sequel to, Being Christina Chase, I blather about both in this week’s video. I just can’t stop myself. But I am putting that behind me, because I have stuff to do this week! No, really!

My creative priorities this week:

  • finalize TorchLite marketing materials, no really this time

  • inevitably write more trans girl romance

And it’s the inaugural Being Christina Masters Monday (hooray!), so you to read the first six chapters of Being Samantha Masters here. Patreon subscribers can read ahead through chapter seven here.

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