Out of the Cackling Coast [Cortex Adventure]

Okay, I’m just too excited about this not to share.

This weekend I’m heading to Game-itoba, our local gaming convention, and I’m taking some Keystone Fantasy Roleplaying in the form of this adventure, Out of the Cackling Coast.

This adventure uses some smoking-hot Cortex tech developed by Lynn Jones that adapts the “Five Room Dungeon” into Cortex terms.  (This tech might appear soonish in a little something we’re calling TorchLite.)  It. Is. Amazing.

I was able to draft the entire adventure in less than two hours, and I suspect if I just wanted to make a scaffold of notes, I could have had a playable adventure in less than an hour.  And then, because I just couldn’t help myself, I threw it into layout and tossed in some royalty-free art assets and… holy moley, it lays out so smooth and easy!

Of course I have yet to playtest it, but I feel absolutely confident that this adventure is just gonna fly off the page.  If you wanna kick the tires, I’d love to hear your feedback!

See you all on the flipside!


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